Saturday, March 30, 2013

Last Minute Easter

I had big plans for this Easter.  However I ended up getting sick last Friday, started feeling better Monday only to feel worse than ever Tuesday.  It turns out the cold I had turned into a sinus infection.  I've never had one before, but it is AWFUL!  I've never been sick this long in my life!  I'm still recovering despite all the home remedies and juicing (which I've become obsessed with and will probably post about later).  I resorted to prescription meds a couple days ago, but I still haven't had a night of sleep without waking myself multiple times from the incessant cough.

My poor kids were stuck at home with me all week, and probably watched 10 hours of TV more than they should have.  And I didn't accomplish any of my Easter plans.

This morning was the first I didn't feel completely horrible.  I took the kids to CVS to use up some ECB's.  The egg dying kits were already on sale so I let them each pick one: Spiderman and Disney Princess.  We went over to my grandma's, and they played outside while I boiled a dozen eggs.  Grandma helped us dye our eggs. 

We came home and had our eggs for lunch... No Easter egg hunt, just egg salad sandwiches. (It's all about the egg dying experience anyways, right?)  I had some plastic eggs and candy stored away for an Easter egg hunt tomorrow anyway. 

Tomorrow we're going to our church, The Cross, at 10 where my grandpa will be the guest speaker.
Then at 4 we'll be at my brother-in-law's church, City Peace Project, where I'll be helping in the childcare.

So we won't even be having a proper Easter meal tomorrow, but at some point in between I'll hide some plastic eggs in the backyard for the kids.

So on the way home from Grandma's house we stopped at the store to pickup some goods for the one things I absolutely wanted to try for Easter: Resurrection Buns!
I had seen a bunch of recipes for these on Pinterest, and they looked so delicious I'd been thinking about them for weeks!
Here's what I did:
- refrigerated dough (biscuits or the like)
- large marshmallows
- cinnamon sugar (I mixed about 3/4 cu sugar with 3 TBS of cinnamon)
- melted butter (I used 1 stick)

Here's the dough I used, and I was very pleased with my choice... Especially because they were on sale for $.99 at Safeway (with Just 4 U coupon).

I peeled the biscuits apart in the middle so they were half as thick and let Naomi flatten them a little.
She took a marshmallow, dipped it in butter, then in the sugar mixture.  Then placed it on the dough.  I then wrapped the marshmallow, pinching the edges together.  Then I dipped the whole thing in butter and sugar... (sounds healthy, right?)... and placed it on a baking sheet.

As we assembled the buns we talked about the metaphor.  Jesus, because he was without sin, was the pure white marshmallow.  The butter and sugar were the spices and perfumes prepared for Jesus at his burial.  And the dough was the linens he was wrapped in.  After baking, the bun represents the tomb.  And if all goes well when cut open the marshmallow will have disappeared and the tomb will be empty!

There were 8 biscuits in the can so this made 16 buns.  I baked them at the recommended 350 for 15 minutes.  At first glance I thought this was a Pinterest fail because the whole baking sheet was covered in carmalized marshmallows and some of the buns had holes in them.  But it turned out most of them looked great. Some of the marshmallow goo had just oozed out onto the pan.  Even the not-so-pretty buns were even more delicious than I had imagined!  Definitely a new Easter tradition for this family!

Upon cutting them open we found that indeed the tomb was empty!  Naomi understood the metaphor, but she still needed and explanation of what happened to the marshmallows.  Her theory... "The angels ate them."

"He is not here, but He has risen." Luke 6:24

Also, if you're looking for Easter ideas for next year I can't help but share this post from my friend's blog... She planted grass in an Easter basket and took pictures with her bunny in it! So cute! She also has a post about live chick pictures!


  1. I didn't know about your blog, Rachel. It's excellent.

  2. I didn't know about your blog, Rachel. It's excellent.
