Thursday, February 7, 2013

Always Check Your Receipt... And Other *Practical* Couponing Tips

I meant to post yesterday but my SIL and I spent most of the day making our delicious apple butter!
If you saw my last post you will know that this is part 2 of my 3 part couponing series.  Next time I'll post some store guides for my favorite stores.  Enjoy these (hopefully) useful tips!

  1. Check out some couponing blogs and subscribe to your favorites.  Or follow them on Facebook or twitter. (I use FB).  A lot of times I find great deals on Amazon through these blogs for things I might normally pay more for in the store.  Also if there’s a super great deal (like freebies) at a store they’ll usually have posts.
  2. Find a cheap subscription to the Sunday paper. Newspaper companies are so desperate for subscribers these days I bet if you called them and asked for a deal they'd give you a good one.
  3. Check the brand website. If you want a coupon for a specific item it’s a good idea to check the brand website.  Usually you can print out a coupon or they’ll mail you one.
  4. Make a list. My life is so much easier when I have a list! I used to do my list every week in Excel, but I’ve resorted back to the old fashioned pen and paper.  That way I can add to it throughout the week or while I’m going through the ads and coupons.  Make a note of which coupons you have for each item so you make sure to have them ready at the store.   
  5. Limit yourself to a few stores per week. You don’t have to get EVERY deal at EVERY store.  Just the ones you need or really want.
  6. Don’t bring the little ones… If possible.  I actually don’t mind bringing my kids to the store, but it makes it a lot more difficult when trying to compare prices or figure out a deal. So If I'm planning a big shopping trip I'll try to go when my husband is home to watch them.
  7. Use your phone. I don’t always have time to go through my whole routine if I’m just making a quick last minute trip to the store.  But at a minimum while I’m in the store I can check the store website on my iPhone and make sure I’m not buying something there is an online coupon for! 
  8. Carry your coupons in your purse or car so you always have them on hand.  A lot of times we'll be out and decide to stop at the store for something.  I HATE buying something knowing I have a coupon for it at home so I try to keep coupons I'm likely to use with me.
  9. Check the clearance section. Most grocery stores have a clearance section that has day old items or dented cans for 50% off.  Every time I go to Safeway I check for the day old sliced deli meat… It’s a great deal at half off! 
  10. Always check your receipt! I'm often a little distracted at the checkout (see #6) so I can't always watch all the transactions and see that everything rung up right or that my coupons came off.  But I ALWAYS make sure to check the receipt before leaving the store.  I end up having to get money back on stuff every once in a while. 

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