Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Super Simple Couponing System

When I was first introduced to couponing I went a little crazy with it.  I collected several copies of Sunday paper inserts and spent hours Sunday evening clipping and organizing my coupons.  Then I would visit at least 5 stores a week to get all the deals I wanted.  Much of what I was getting we didn’t even need. (i.e. dozens of air fresheners that ended up making me  nauseous.)  I definitely did save money and get some great deals, but couponing consumed so much of my life!  Today I have a much better balance between time spent couponing and money saved.  I decided to do a three part series to share my system, ideas, and advice.  Today I’ll go over my weekly low-maintenance system.  Next I’ll share some tips and advice in Always Check Your Receipt and Other PracticalCouponing Tips.  And lastly I’ll give brief store guides to a few of my favorite stores in Store Guides: Safeway, Nob Hill, CVS, Costco

Before we get started if you’re not familiar with how couponing works check out these informational websites:
The FrugalFind - She has a free online couponing class.  Her website also has an amazing coupon database if you're looking for a coupon for a specific item.

Hip2Save - I learned a lot from this website; she's very thorough.

So here is my weekly routine in 10 simple steps:

1) Get the paper. I get the Sunday paper for $10/ year through the San Jose Mercury News.  They are always offering promotions; $10 is the lowest I’ve been able to find. If you know someone who gets the paper and doesn't use coupons ask them for the Sunday inserts!

2) Label your inserts. When I receive the paper on Sunday I write the date on each insert.  There are 3 different kinds: Procter & Gamble (PG), Red Plum (RP), and Smart Source (SS).  This week I got one RP and one SS. (Don't mind the KY ad on the front of the SS insert haha)
Dating the inserts helps if you’re using couponing blogs because the coupons will be listed with the date and type of insert.  i.e.  $1/1 Almay cosmetic SS 2/3/13

3) Clip and file useful coupons. I quickly go through each insert and cut out any coupons I will probably use.  I just file these away in an envelope in my purse.  This way whether I've done all my pre-shopping prep work or I'm just making a quick run to the store I'll have coupons with me for things I regularly buy.  You can get a little file or multiple envelopes to sort your coupons however you like; I'm currently just using a single envelope.  If I get a coupon with my receipt at the store I just stick it in the envelope too.
4) Trash Pile - I make a pile of “trash” while I'm going through the inserts.  If there’s a whole page I won’t use I just recycle it . (For example, I won’t be buying Proactiv or Little Debbie snacks so those are going in the trash pile.)  You can trade these or give them away if you don't want to toss them.
5) Mark up the store ads and start your list. At some point during the week I get the store ads for my favorite stores typically Safeway, Nob Hill, CVS and circle any item I might need or want that’s a good price and start my grocery list.

6) Coupon Matchups - I try to match up any of the items that are on sale in the ad with any coupons in the inserts and add a note to my list if there’s a coupon. (I just put a star next to any item I have a coupon for so I don't forget to use it.)  You can also check couponing blogs for more matchups including printable coupons and coupons from previous weeks inserts.  I like The Frugal Find and My Frugal Adventures.

7) Coupon File - I file away the inserts containing the coupons I might still use until they expire.  (Most of the coupons left in the inserts are things I would get only if they were free or really cheap , but don’t really need like cosmetics or snacks.)  This is when I skim through my previous inserts.  A lot of the coupons are valid for several months.  Try to throw out any expired or useless coupons so you have less to sort through each week.

My little "command center" in my kitchen where I keep my coupon file

8) Finish your shopping list. I add to my list staples or anything I might still need that isn't there yet.  i.e. bananas, milk, and eggs are pretty much always on my list regardless of whether or not I have a coupon

9) Check store websites. Make sure to check the store website too for whichever store you’re going to and add to your card or print out any store coupons!

10) Shop and compare. Now head to the store, and make sure you still check and compare prices. (Sometimes even with a coupon the name brand is more expensive than a generic brand.) 

Remember this is just what works for me.  The most important thing is to find a system that works for you, but hopefully this helps you in some way to figure out a balanced system for yourself.  Check back tomorrow for more simple couponing tips!

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