Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lemon Ricotta Pancakes... Kid Approved!

Naomi is somewhat of a pancake connoisseur.  She likes restaurant pancakes.  So when I made these honey cloud pancakes she wouldn't touch them.   Or when I tried these brown butter and butterscotch pancakes she took one bite then turned up her nose. (The rest of us normal people loved both of these recipes by the way.)  Here is my go-to pancake recipe that turns out just like restaurant pancakes thanks to the secret ingredient and also my favorite cleaning product: vinegar!  Naomi says they taste like cupcakes and marshmallows.  Haha.

I've been wanting to try lemon ricotta pancakes with the leftover ricotta I had in the fridge along with the lemons from my grandma's tree.  And I happened to get blackberries at Costco yesterday so I figured that would make the perfect accompaniment. I used this recipe for the pancakes.  For the blackberry sauce I just dumped about a pound of blackberries into a saucepan along with the juice of the lemon I had zested for the pancakes and 1/4 cup of sugar and let it simmer while I cooked the pancakes. The pancakes were so fluffy, and Judah started chowing down right away.  But he'll eat any kind of pancake so I waited for Naomi's reaction.... The verdict: "Yummy!" (Although she preferred to eat them without the blackberry sauce.)

I was going to post a pic of my stack of pancakes, but my phone died before I had the chance to take one.  By the time it charged enough to turn on I was halfway through the melt-in-your-mouth deliciousness.  Behold, my half eaten pancakes:

1 comment:

  1. mmmm I just read your newest post and then remembered these - so wanting some of these pancakes now! - Rachel R.
